Online Therapy in Virginia and Washington DC

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(202) 964-0490


Anatomy of a panic attack:

Out of nowhere
Filled with dread

Something is wrong
Heart racing

Feel like I’m losing it
What is happening
I’m not okay
I need to get out of here

There MUST be something wrong…

Panic attacks hit so hard and fast that you’re sure something’s really wrong, but the doctors have checked you out and assure you that it’s “just” anxiety. But it feels so bad that you’re terrified of it happening again, and you can’t shake the feeling that it will. So, you avoid whatever might bring it on.

Therapy can help – really.

For as bad as they feel, though, panic attacks can be very responsive to therapy. Together, we will go over the mechanics of what makes them happen and how to slow down and address everything, piece by piece.

Imagine getting back the confidence to go about your life the way you want to.

Imagine knowing what to do for yourself if that “oh no” pops up.

Feeling better is worth it

Let’s set up a time to meet to work through it together.

It’s your turn now
Time to take care of you
Click here to request an appointment.